
Additional Information

Please take a moment to read thru the links attached to this site, and make yourself familiar with the plans for this proposed site, the maps, and the EAF Filing (all attached under the "Links" page)

Environmental Assessment Form: 


  • This EAF ignores the impact on nearby residents, even omitting residential as a nearby land use and denying any nearby “public resource.”
  • This EAF includes the soil description/analysis from the USDA, but omits the very same data, listing it as "probable" wetland.  The  EAF disputes the fact that the site sits on the Principal Aquifer and contains a DEC mapped stream and is surrounded by wetlands, and itself holds standing water.
  • With regard to zoning, this filing asks the question, " Is the proposed action in a municipality with an adopted zoning law?"  The County's response is an affimative one, and lists the included, adjacent R-1 and R-3 zones, but omits the adjacent Ag-3 zones that also surround this area?  Further, the form asks "Is this use permitted?"  For this question, the County does not even issue any response. 
  • Monroe Balance Test:  There has been no reply to multiple FOIL requests regarding this test, data. 
  • Project Details vs the EAF:  In the EAF, the County's Planning Department lists 4 buildings. As you've seen in the proposed plan/slide deck - there are six (6) buldings in the plan. 
  • Height Questions:  At different times the County has been quoted as saying the plans are for/zoning allows 37 foot buildings. However the Plan states that the buildings are 40 feet in height.  Plus - add in the fact that this is a climbing tower, so neighbors will see uses/visibility of this site of at least 44 - 45 feet. 
  • The EAF also asks "Is it substantially contiguous to (another) building?... archaeological site or districte which is listed on, or has been nominated by the NYS Board or Historic Places?"   The County reply is "No", however the site is in direct proximity to the historic Kelder House (100 years) and is within 2500 feet of the Stone Ridge Main Street Historic District. 

These are just a few of the evident omissions from the County's formal EAF filing. Noise, hours of use, zoning, pollution (water/light/runoff), and destruction of natural environment and their deteriorating effects on this very scenic and historic area, and surrounding properties are concerning!  It is also detrimental to the college itself and the many community members who use the resources on the campus.
