Example - Protecting Citizens' Rights & Property

Prior Threats Addressed: FTC at UCCC (2017 - 2019)


The following points were addressed given Ulster County's proposed FTC plan (see attached, under "Links") on Ulster County Community College's campus. Protect Marbletown and other citizens were resolute to bring issues to the forefront, as the proposed plan was not see as feasible or legal. See below for points addressed:

  • It's a brutal intrusion upon residents and their nearby homes ( some homes within 600 feet of this industrial type installation).
  • It would also endanger and curtail any use of recreational and Daycare Child Care facilities which are 600 feet away.  
  • It is not in any way acknowledging serious environmental concerns regarding land use and water issues-both existing wetlands and mapped stream and the feasibility of using college water for this training.
  • It does not acknowledge wide range of species and aquatic plants (which define wetlands) and even likely presence of endangered species (bald eagles) in the proposed land site. 
  • This plan may violate Federal Laws, with respect to the environment and religious/faith based practices (see Religious Land Use and Incarcerated Persons Act (https://www.justice.gov/crt/religious-land-use-and-institutionalized-persons-act)

We suggest the County cease this plan and use the 2 approved FTC sites they have (Ulster Landing Road and Walker Valley) and apply the nearly $4 million dollars allocated to them by Ulster County and New York State to upgrade the two other FTC already established, at both Ulster Landing Road and Walker Valley. 

It is fine to use the classrooms for their intended educational purpose (that is what the College is intended for). However, we are concerned and opposed to irresponsible plans that may damage the environment and inflict damage upon this residential-zoned (R-1) area. 
